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Development and Supply of Machinery and Equipment



„We have been cooperating with DE & CO since 2014, when they designed, manufactured and supplied the first simple assembly equipment for our company. Subsequently, when we verified their professionalism and technical standard, they implemented a number of other assembly stations and complete single-purpose lines for us. As far as our cooperation is concerned, I particularly appreciate DE & CO's high level of support and their active approach at all stages of the implementation of the individual projects. And this is not the only thing that made DE & CO one of our leading suppliers of automation and assembly lines.“

Vladimír Zouhar | ITW Pronovia Czech Republic s.r.o. (Project Engineer)

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    Is the year when we started to develop our range of services for our clients.

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    < 500

    More than 500 successfully completed projects by the end of 2019.

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    Current number of integrated six-axis, palletising and scara robots.

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